My head is spinning!

The Botanical Garden Blackbird's head is spinning! Take part in this clue game and find out why!
15 de juliol de 2000

Welcome to the clue game ‘My head is spinning’!

The Botanical Garden Blackbird’s head is spinning! Which of the eight plants has it pecked that has caused it this discomfort? To find out, you have to follow the same path as the bird.

On each of the eight plants you will find a clue. Each clue will allow you to further refine your research but you will need to gather all eight to end up identifying the plant that poisoned the blackbird. Only one of the eight plants meets all the clues! Look at the map before you start! Pay close attention to the map key, it will help guide you. We recommend that you follow the order of the clues!

Here are the links to access the clues. Each clue needs you to enter a 4-digit code that you will find on a sign at the bottom of each plant. We show an example of a card:

Clue 1 – Clue 2 – Clue 3 – Clue 4 – Clue 5 – Clue 6 – Clue 7 – Clue 8

Good luck!

This is a free activity included in the price of admission to the Barcelona Botanical Garden. It is an autonomous but presential game that complements the visit to the Garden. To play it you only need your own mobile device with internet connection.

Have you solved it? Do you already have the answer? If you’ve figured out which plant is making the blackbird’s head spin, answer through this link

Illustrations by Raquel Arnaiz.